Monday, March 30, 2015

Why should I invest in Australia?

Australian Immigration

Australia is an extremely popular destination for highly skilled young people wishing to start a new life in another country. The country's economy is strong and Australia is actively encouraging the immigration of skilled migrants. Skilled migrants wishing to work in Australia will be assessed on apoints based system with points awarded for work experience, qualifications and language proficiency. Other ways of obtaining immigration visas to Australia include the Australian Family Migration and Humanitarian Programs.

Why should I invest in Australia

  1.  Growing foreign direct investment
  2.  Strong economic credentials
  3.  Strategic location
  4.  Strong and sophisticated financial services sector
  5.  Innovative with excellent R&D and IT infrastructure

Why should I study in Australia?

Why should I study in Australia?

Did you know Australia has the third highest number of international students in the world behind only the United Kingdom and the United States despite having a population of only 23 million? This isn’t surprising when you consider Australia has seven of the top 100 universities in the world! In fact, with over 22,000 courses across 1,100 institutions, Australia sits above the likes of Germany, the Netherlands and Japan, ranking eighth in the Universities 2012 U21 Ranking of National Higher Education Systems.

Do you have a specific study area of interest? There is every chance Australia has you covered, with at least one Australian university in the top 50 worldwide across the study areas of Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Life & Agricultural Sciences, Clinical Medicine & Pharmacy, and Physics.

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