Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Advantages of hiring a migration lawyer


Why should a person apply for immigration through a migration agent/lawyer when much of what an agent does can also be done by the applicant too? After all the agent does is to fill in the forms, send the application to DIAC and be the primary correspondent for all communications.

This is some thing the applicant can also do. So why hire a migration agent and pay lot of money?

Well the above reasoning is very well justified. However, the real role of a qualified agent comes into play when the DIAC raises an objection which the applicant didn't fore see while lodging the application.

People will not represent themselves in a court of law without an appointed advocate and lawyer who knows the law intimately and can best put their case to the judge and jury utilising their skills, experience and knowledge to the advantage of the client. The same applies in migration cases.

Reputable Migration Representatives are professional persons.

We know the law, the complexities and criteria applicable to presenting an immigration application and we know how to best compile, prepare and present your case to the department of immigration.

In migration applications, you potentially have one chance at success, fail and you could possibly close the doors. As specialists, we ensure that you firstly apply for the right visa, and secondly we prepare your case in a manner that will guarantee the best possible opportunity for a visa grant.

We ensure that the correct information is stated on the vast number of application forms, that you present the correct supporting evidence, and we then submit a substantial submission with your application where we address every single aspect of the applicable law, regulations and procedures manual the immigration officers use in relation to your case and the supporting evidence you supplied.

There is normally a great deal of communication and queries after a visa application is lodged with the department - mostly due to changes in circumstances, regulations or due to the long period that application processing takes. We take care of all of these questions and represent you until you obtain your visa. We are required to undertake ongoing intensive annual studies to allow us re-registration annually.

It is always in our best interest to ensure that your application succeeds !

Lidia Paul

Migration Agent Registration Number: 

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