Friday, May 15, 2015

What migrants can expect at job interviews in Australia

There are two main types of interview commonly used in Australia. One is traditional and the other one is behavioral
In the traditional interview you are asked a series of straight forward questions about how you performed at work while the behavioural interviews focus on questions for a predetermined set of skills required for the job to see how you handled different situationsbehavioural interviews are pretty much famous in Australia

Behavioural Interviews: 

The interviewer asks questions about your past performance as it relates to skills required for the job. 

Sample behavioural job interview questions

How would you describe yourself?
Tell us about your biggest accomplishment?
Why do you want to change jobs? 
What did you like and dislike about your last position?
Why should we hire you?
In what ways are you qualified for this position?
What process do you use to establish priorities?
Describe your most important strengths.
Is there a situation in the past in which you took the initiative?
Can you think of a situation during your career that was particularly embarrassing?
How would you handle the same situation today?
Have you ever been in situations involving difficult co-workers, tight deadlines or inadequate
The key to answering behavioural interview questions is to use the STAR technique:
S=Situation: find and describe a situation that ties into the interview question at hand.
T=Task: further delineate a specific task you had to complete in this situation.
A=Action(s): discuss the approach you took to deal with the task, breaking down your actions one by one.
R = Result: conclude by describing specific outcomes of your actions, showing how you contributed to company success.
Call Our Office:

Australia Office at +61 456 431 058, +61 423 469 569, +61 405 439 278, +61 397 984 241
Sri Lankan Office at +94 (11) 222 67 51, +94 (11) 222 67 52, +94 778 481 494, +94 775 254 255, +94 756 550 002
or mail us at and our expert team will help you understand the whole process. So what are you waiting for?

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