Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How to save money on transport when studying abroad

It goes without saying that studying abroad involves constant travelling expenses. Be it on your way to class and back, exploring the country or checking in at home, each of the excursions is more or less burdened with costs. 
Get a long-term public transport ticket
Always remember everything pays off in the long run. This also applies to public transport fares. And so, if your student obligations require you to use it daily, you should consider opting for a weekly, monthly or yearly pass. Another good idea is to get your long-term ticket exclusively for the routes you cover regularly, in order not to overpay on the occasional forays.
Fly home at the last-minute
Booking a flight in advance is the easiest way to spend more than you otherwise could. This is why picking a last-minute air trip over a pre-paid reservation is instead the way to go. Also, if you choose a midweek flight, you can save even more than you bargained for – these are least popular, and so often cheaper, even at the original rate.
Embrace long stays and accommodation exchange schemes
Another smart idea is to decide to use one spot as your base, and travel to nearby tourist points – this way you may save up a significant amount of money on the sole visit fare. If you’re feeling adventurous, the fairly new trend of couch surfing (staying at a stranger’s home and having yours open for international guests) might do it for you just as well.
Go student discounts hunting
From lowered rates on public transport to cheaper tickets at visits to tourist attraction points, students are in a lucky position when it comes to entry fees. Flashing your regular student ID or its international equivalent should be enough to enter a museum, art gallery or even a theme park at an easy on the pocket price.
Get your friends to travel along
Travelling in groups is cheaper, and it’s as simple as that. Sharing a room or renting a flat together could be a lot of fun, too. In short, the more people you take on board, the higher the chances of your expenses decreasing and the enjoyment factor rising. This also makes for an undeniable argument for the collective backpacking trips you love so much.
Travelling in itself is often bound with a number of worries and a whole lot of nerves. Nevertheless, now that you have the weight of financial planning taken off your shoulders, you can switch your focus to adventure, new experiences and exploring the unexplored.
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